Dr. Prajval Shastri

Grant Category: Fulbright-Nehru Senior Research Scholar
Field of Specialization: Science & Technology (Astrophysics)
Name: Dr. Prajval Shastri
Official Address and Designation: Associate Professor
Indian Institute of Astrophysics
E-mail: pshastri@iiap.res.in
Duration of Grant: Eight months
Project Title: Active Galaxies: Radio-loudness and the Fanaroff-Riley Divide
Abstract of Project :
Galaxies often host very massive black holes in their centers which accrete matter whenever available in their close neighborhood to produce radiation that could be as much or more than the total light from all the stars in the galaxy. These 'active' galaxies are visible through the enormous power that they emit at all wavelengths (radio to gamma rays) and bipolar outflows from the nuclei, which are sometimes seen to acquire bulk speeds very close to the speed of light. My Fulbright project will explore the parameter space of these objects in order to explain the wide range of properties seen. Given the correlation between the mass of the galaxy and that of the central black hole, which implies that the black hole and galaxy grow hand in hand, the properties of active galaxies acquire a new significance for the larger question of galaxy growth.
Academic Background :
Ph.D. Astrophysics Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai 1989
MSc Physics IIT Bombay 1979
BSc Physics Chemistry, Math St Agnes College, Mangalore 1977
Professional Background :
Tenured Faculty Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore 1995-till date
Visiting Scientist Harvard-Smithsonian Ctr for Astrophys. 1994-1995
Post-doctoral Fellow University of California, Berkeley, USA 1992-1994
Post-doctoral Fellow University of Texas, Austin. USA 1990-1992
Dr. Prajval Shastri